Thursday, December 30, 2010

Beta 0.5 will have a small delay

We are actively working on bitBulletin 0.5 during the Christmas holidays. We have made some good progress toward our goal to have a polished product.

We have changed our business model from free with in-app purchases to a more standard model of Lite and Full versions.

Hope you are having a nice holiday, even if we are working real hard, we sure are having a blast developing this great product.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Beta 5 is all shinny and ready

This new beta is a huge step in the right direction. We have so many features added to bitBulletin that it is too long to list them all.

Here are the new features in this release:

- Sharing menu with Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Email, Google Reader, Instapaper, Pinboard, Read It Later and Tumblr integration.
- Long list of Forums to choose from, to help you find new forums to follow.
- Ability to register to a forum within the app.
- Quote message.
- New settings UI.

Here are tons of iPhone screenshots:

And, finally, after much delay, here are a bunch of screenshots from the iPad version: